Monday, March 8, 2010

what makes you happy?

open windows...playing in the backyard... walks with no coats on....
have i mentioned that i'm SO excited that spring is almost here! =) i think that Justus would stay in the backyard shooting balls into the b-ball hoop for as long as we'd let him. and we can run and jump and scream in the backyard without disturbing neighbors. hooray!
my dear friend Jill has an ongoing list on her blog
of blessings, or things that make her happy - and I have decided to copy that great idea. There's a book of 15,000 things to be happy about, or some huge number like that... and I really like it but have always wanted to write my own. Cause really each of us has different things that make us feel excited, or cozy, or like "this just made my day". so i have no intention of writing my own book really (probably not a very good read for most) but I am going to keep an ongoing list here on this blog. whenever something new is discovered or comes to mind i just might add it here...
looking forward to morning coffee with a friend i haven't seen in a long time and dinner with some more friends!! and also looking forward to the flavored coffee creamer i bought yesterday but I'm saving it til Katie gets here.
ooh, what a great way to start my list!!

1)flavored coffee creamer
2)the first day of the year that the heater doesn't come on!
3)knowing all day that i don't have to make dinner

that's all for now. if i have to really sit and think of something, that can't count.
you should try your own=)