Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i'm in maine, where my heart feels like it bursts with joy. and thankfulness.

103)a new puzzle
104)not watching TV, and realizing how much you like not watching TV
105)a good cup of coffee
106)an imagination that can quickly turn a cattail into a cannon or an umbrella
107)making a good dinner for your family
108)early mornings awake with just a baby
109)snotty nosed kisses
110)telling your kids you're proud of them
111)a surprise electricity outage - nothing to do but snuggle
112)climbing a mountain
113)a perfect afternoon
114)happy, muddy little boys
115)the friendliness and courtiness that exists between hikers
116)just-the-right-size little canoe paddles
117)a hot, cheesy pizza
118)playing cribbage
119)a child talking to Jesus about his day

Saturday, August 20, 2011

still giving thanks...

89)Moosehead Lake, Maine
90)watching your child discover something new
91)spending time with your mom
93)feeling cozy
94)kids in hoodies
95)watching a thunderstorm
96)eating ice cream on vacation
97)soul-deep peace
98)your favorite person reading a book aloud to you
99)the sound of gentle waves hitting the shore
100)trying to see something through the eyes of a child
101)nap time
102)the calm that a ride in a canoe brings

Friday, April 1, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Im here at the coffee house right near my house, and its so relaxing and wonderful and I hope to come back often, even if for just a few minutes.
In the case that there are any of you that have not heard, I must share that precious Colman Emmanuel Panter was born on January 21 early in the morning... we've been home for 2 1/2 weeks and each day I am catching up on sleep a little more and therefore each day I am a little more functional and rational and peaceful. But God is good and stays the same even when I don't sleep and can't see nor think straight. Tom is also good and stays the same when I don't sleep and that amazes me. I have much to be thankful for and thankfully I have not lost sight of that.
Colman is wonderful... sleeps quite well at night for his age, doesn't like to sleep during the day unless I am holding him and for whatever reason I am more a sucker for that than I used to be...maybe because I realize more and more how fast time flies...
I sometimes can't believe that I am the mom of 3 boys, yet at the same time how could I not believe it as I spend my days trying to keep everybody fed, happy, and as of late, kind. I really just want us to be kind to eachother. Pray for me, for wisdom, for patience, for love that doesn't come from me.
Simeon turned 4 on Sunday.
Hopefully I will soon post a picture of little Cole. He is quite beautiful.
I'll be back soon....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

im back but its brief....

I realize that I disappeared from my blog without a word... that wasn't the plan but it's how it happened. We moved to a new house - a blessing of a new house - at the end of October, and have not yet gotten internet. I say yet, but at this point we have no plans to... for now I feel as though my life is better when it is simplified, and if I have the choice I believe that I am a happier, better wife and mommy without the internet to distract me. So why pay a monthly bill for a distraction? That's where we are right now... it may change in the future.
I do enjoy blogging quite a bit, though, and I miss writing, sharing, reading others'....
We were given a laptop for Christmas and I hope to frequent the coffee shop with wi-fi down the street now and then to share some thoughts... so check now and again and hopefully there will be something to read.
Until then, here we are waiting for our little guy to arrive... sometime in these next few weeks! I am so unbelievably excited. Of course that will be a reason for an update.
Love to all... and oh, these lyrics hit me hard today...

All I know is that I was blind but now I see - that though I kick and scream, Love is leading me. And every step of the way His grace is making me; with every breath I breathe, He is saving me. And I believe.
So when my body's weak and the day is long, when I feel my faith is all but gone, I'll remember when I sing this song that I believe.
I believe He is the Christ, Son of the Living God, my Lord, my Savior.
Oh Hosanna, I believe.

i will hopefully have baby news soon =)