Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hard to get

and death strikes again. it always takes us anaware...
and no matter how much I know that life is uncertain, that i have no clue what's in store for tomorrow, that tragedy will strike in this sin-scarred world, never am i prepared for it.
not him....
not them... not now!
back to simple faith, like a child.... I tell my boys that he is with Jesus now, living with Him instead, and to them that seems to make sense.
but what about the people left here, what about the pain?
we are all dying... and this world is not our home. it really isn't.
God is good, I do not doubt that, not at all in fact.
But somehow I feel like it's easier for me to trust for myself, that if I were to lose the person closest to me, that God would be enough, that His promises and truth would be all I had yet all I really needed...yet it's not me, it's others that are in pain.
and its harder to trust God for someone else.
"Nothing can separate you from My love. not even death".
But what about the pain???....
Simeon asked "Do you think Elijah's grandpop is asking God if he can come back to Elijah's house?"
Don't we wish we knew, buddy.
I do trust, and I believe God is good.
what else is there??
yet i don't get it.


Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

yeah, i don't get it either...but god is good so we can hold fast to that truth...

Anonymous said...

i was thinking of you in this, knowing you are close to darla and josh. praying for you all...

Unknown said...

love you e.