Thursday, September 16, 2010

and that makes three

ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)


Anonymous said...

ANOTHER BOY!!!! Que legal, mais um tesouro precioso.

Katy said...

That's awesome Elisabeth! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I just have to comment on this one...I can only share the shock I felt at 5 mos when Jacob's gender was announced and the peace and excitement the Lord provided in the next 4 mos. The ride with 3 (and of course Em) has been more exciting, challenging, rewarding and fun than I would've ever planned for myself in my own pea-brain mind! I love having 3 boys and I know you will too. They are all sooo different and yet have elements of sameness and I will be loving the watching and learning till the day I die. Congratulations and welcome to the 3B club!
Love you,
Aunt Flossie

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

I am so happy for you...three boys will bring lots of fun! Now we have 6 boys between the three of us...double what we started with...:)