Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Simeon is 6

I am not a poet.  Not at all.  I wish I were, only because I think if I were a poet then there would be more of a chance of being able to write good songs.  I tell Tom that that is one of the few things I wish about my life that isn't so...I wish I could write songs. 
So I really appreciate those who are, and lately I have appreciated blog entries like this one that left me crying like a baby and songs like this one that i sometimes listen to early in the morning to help make right a wrong perspective.  I love them not because they validate my exhaustion and put to words myheart everyday (which they do) but because lately I feel knocked off my feet with the privilege of being a mother.
This life that leaves me literally falling into bed many nights is the one that brings me more moments of joy that I would have imagined possible.  It's in the nonstop, sometimes messy loving of my house full of boys that I come alive and God always meets me right in the middle of it all and I would ask for nothing else.
My oldest boy turns 6 today.  I remember well the months of carrying him - I was in Japan, with nothing to do and no friends.  I would walk the streets of Kobe every day and I felt strangely aware that the craziest life change was about to take place - I would go from being alone, with nothing to do, for most of my days, to never ever being alone, for a very long time.  I knew that someone completely dependant on me was about to fill my days. What a privilege, and what a bringer of joy Simeon has been to my life. 
I feel blessed, so blessed to be his mom, so blessed to be the mom of his brothers. 

Simeon amazes me every day with his creativity.  He is an artist, a really good artist. He pays great attention to detail and takes time to do something well.  He's creative.  He loves dragons and knights and fairy tales and dinasours and legos.  He loves to read.  He loves to be a big brother. He spends all day playing with Justus and they never tire of it.  He takes care of Cole and loves to teach him new things and drag him into anything he's playing. He loves to sit with Brody and to make him smile.  He is sensitive, doesn't miss a word or a look.  He never wants to stop playing and never wants to sleep.  He loves music and movies.  He plays his music so loud and leaps around while it plays. He blinks back his tears when he wants to be brave, and jumps up and down and up and down with joy when he is happy.  He speaks what is on his mind.  He doesn't pretend to like someone or something if he doesn't.   His favorite character in any story is the villain. 
He loves to anticipate - Maine, the beach, summer, seeing people he loves. 
He loves to snuggle up with me and give me a special "we're buddies" smile, and he spends hours on end playing with Tom, his best buddy.
I am thankful.  Thankful for the ups and downs and the thousands of little moments that have made these six years and that make up our every days....thankful that when you're family you're stuck together.  Thankful for grace - grace for my own parenting and grace that makes me know I don't have to fear the future for my boys.
I always, always want my boys to know they are loved.  That's my number 1 thing.  Loved by God and loved by us.  Always, no matter what. 
My deepest prayer is that Simeon knows that, deep down....


Jill said...

i love this. i think it's because i love you and your boys and i know the exact kind of mother you are, the best kind! 6 years means that we have been friends for almost that long. love you my special girl!

Shannon said...

Happy birthday Simeon! This is so beautiful.. and listening to the song and reading the blog made me cry... just what i needed to hear/read. i am thankful for you and your perspective.

ASR said...

So beautifully put Elisabeth! So good to read this and catch up on what you and your boys have been up to. Sophia saw the pictures of Simeon and said "Hey Thats Simeon!" I asked her how she knew it was him since she hadn't seen him in years and she said I could tell by his hair! I'm in the throws of my 1st Trimester with my third pregnancy. Will be praying for you as I lay around the house feeling ill ;) miss you all!

Joanna said...

You are such a good mommy. And those boys feel it every day. Happy Birthday Simeon. :)