Thursday, July 26, 2012

My days

I had started a post which would have been long and wordy, and which I might come out with sometime soon...
But in the meantime I was spending a few quiet moments drinking ice water (I finally get what some people just love about ice cubes) and re-reading one of our books of "stories" by Brian Andreas and I came upon this, one of my favorites. And I realized that all of the words that I would have come up with would be trying to say what this says so simply.
So instead I took a picture to share.

I've loved our summer days, many start out as a blank box on the calendar (my very favorite kind of day) and they end up filled with lots of talks and questions and creativity and games and dancing and tickling and yummy food creations and sometimes crying and arguing and discipline and even more talks.... About the whys and hows and the future and how much God loves us and why do we need to be kind? and the choices we have and how even though I'm a mom and not a kid my days are filled with choices. And aren't they?!!!
I thank my God for TIME, for the uncluttered, simple days that I have with these boys.
I feel acutely aware of the preciousness of it.
Life has seasons and come September our days won't be quite this simple but I thank God for today.
And I thank Him for the truth that this joy I have in my heart today can be found even on the busy days.
"I have learned the secret of being content..." Philippians 4
But today I'm thankful for a not busy day....


Anonymous said...

me too :)

Ruth said...

love your thoughts . . . love your heart . . . love you

Unknown said...

Maybe I need to give that book another shot:). And ice cubes are my hero!

Unknown said...

Maybe I need to give that book another shot:). And ice cubes are my hero!