Friday, April 26, 2013


Spring makes my heart happy.
Windows open, breeze blowing, evenings chilly enough for a hoodie or a blanket...
The trees are blooming and flowers are popping up and I remember that going for walks is my very favorite thing to do.
My boys run and play and ride bikes and adopt worms and accidentally injure their adopted worms...
They get dirty and stay up later and roll around in the grass and play soccer and run and run...
They play harder, sleep better, and their mama is rediscovering the light and the joy that once was...
And everything looks brighter and I think there's a twinkle in my eye that was gone for awhile...
And even on the days of questions I see my Light and I wrestle with how can I live for God, really live with Him and for Him, in a world that just doesn't.
And how can I raise my kids, today, to know that this isn't it... That all this joy we have, it's from Him, and it's just a taste. Just keep looking, we were meant for Him, and when you look for what will really make you happy boys... look for HIM, you'll find Him.
Tears pour out as I write this, because for me, this is it. This is what I want for my days...

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