Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Im here at the coffee house right near my house, and its so relaxing and wonderful and I hope to come back often, even if for just a few minutes.
In the case that there are any of you that have not heard, I must share that precious Colman Emmanuel Panter was born on January 21 early in the morning... we've been home for 2 1/2 weeks and each day I am catching up on sleep a little more and therefore each day I am a little more functional and rational and peaceful. But God is good and stays the same even when I don't sleep and can't see nor think straight. Tom is also good and stays the same when I don't sleep and that amazes me. I have much to be thankful for and thankfully I have not lost sight of that.
Colman is wonderful... sleeps quite well at night for his age, doesn't like to sleep during the day unless I am holding him and for whatever reason I am more a sucker for that than I used to be...maybe because I realize more and more how fast time flies...
I sometimes can't believe that I am the mom of 3 boys, yet at the same time how could I not believe it as I spend my days trying to keep everybody fed, happy, and as of late, kind. I really just want us to be kind to eachother. Pray for me, for wisdom, for patience, for love that doesn't come from me.
Simeon turned 4 on Sunday.
Hopefully I will soon post a picture of little Cole. He is quite beautiful.
I'll be back soon....

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