Monday, May 24, 2010

strawberry picking

what could be better than a sunny spring saturday morning picking strawberrries with Nana?
for these boys, nothing.
not a crowd, room to roam, lots to eat....
Simeon picked, Justus ate and trampled.
everybody was happy.


Ruth said...

Oh these are wonderful pix! Such sweet memories. Nothing like fingers and cheeks stained red, cider donuts, and smiles. Such fun!

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

The picture of you and the boys is great. You look so skinny:) Isn't it crazy how grown up Simeon is getting...I just keep thinking about that and the way you describe him picking instead of get it, right?!

Anonymous said...

from jojo: the picture of the boys on your lap reminds of the one at pittson farms when justy was just a newborn. they are getting so big. and so silly. i love them. and strawberries too.

Unknown said...
