although i staged the hug picture, know that they really do hug each other throughout the day. Justus goes up to Simeon, says "awww brov" and sorta leans his head in while half-squatting until he gets a return hug.
I'm thankful for true friends. My true friend considered it no big deal to bring her two kids over and stay with mine today so I could use her car, run to the doctor with Simeon and run an errand. She at the last minute gave up her morning but again, it was no big deal.
Darla's a keeper.
Simeon survived his 3 year old check up, the shot, the anticipation of the shot (which of course is the worst) and the way worst part - having to politely converse with the nurse and the doctor. The highlight was the "muscle machine" ... she put it on his arm to test and see if his muscles are as big as his daddy's. Turns out they are. And his blood pressure is great too =) He's 35 lbs and 37 1/4 inches. (note: Justus is 33 lbs 4 oz)
I'm thankful for my healthy boys. and for my upcoming afternoon out alone while my mom is here. Nana makes everything better in this house =)
I am now official. Had a wonderful time with those boys today. What a sweet playtime in the middle of my week.
Hugs to all.
I am still laughing at the boys and their weight! Oh and I agree that Darla is a keeper:)
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