155) rereading a favorite book and remembering why it was a favorite
156) dinner table talks
157) Psalm 100
158) anticipating a night of board games and yummy pie with Tom
159) my boys' imaginations
160) Trader Jo's vanilla jo-jos
161) Cole's love for his Hug-a-Bible
162) discovering new music
163)Tom grilling dinner
164) naming a baby
165) all the hugs and kisses between 3 little boys before every naptime and bedtime
166) hearing my boy tell me he's looking forward to heaven because there will be no night
167) an unexpected breeze on a hot day
168) a breakfast date at a diner with Simeon
169) Cole saying "ah duh" (all done) every time we finish a book
170) boys snuggling with Daddy
171) when Tom makes the morning coffee
172)little boys' morning bed hair
173) comfy pajama pants
174) really good coffee ice cream
175)the Summer Olympics
176) roasting marshmallows over a fire
177)listening to my boys make up "spooky stories"
178) a sky full of stars
179) quiet
180) waking up before everyone else
181) a perfect Pandora station
182) winning a prize at a fair on your first try
183) innocence
184) no cell phone service
185) a mama's heart that feels like it could burst
186)watching my littlest boy jump inside my belly
187) knowing that because of Christ in me things don't need to stay as they were
188)listening to The Milk Carton Kids
189) waking up in Maine