Thursday, September 16, 2010

and that makes three

ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

it doesn't take much...

its been awhile since i've added to my list....

76)the start of football season
78)New York Times crossword puzzles
79)knowing the perfect thing to do to make someone you love happy
80)deep breaths
81)a baby kicking inside of you
83)a new friend
84)the perfect book that you can't wait to snatch a minute with
85)lazy days
86)the Psalms
88)your birthday week

Thursday, September 9, 2010

almost-fall days and a little entertainment

Justus loves to sing these days. When we all shared a room in Colorado we learned that he wakes up every morning and sings and sings. The featured songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle", "You Never Let Go" and "King of the Jungle".... just in case it wasn't completely clear =)

The weather today is amazing. Glorious. Every year when these cool, breezy, crisp, almost-hoodie type of days start popping up I am invigorated from the inside out and I think "it's amazing that the weather can do this to a person." But it can. Thank you Jesus for September. Ah.... breathe it in...

I've had some harder days with more turmoil in my heart than I would like and less sleep than I would like... but I am hearing God's voice rise above the others and that makes it OK. "Trust me." He says that a lot to me. My sister reminded me recently of one of my favorite quotes by the late and wise Rich Mullin that starts with "I would rather live on the verge of falling than to live in some kind of piotistic illusion of moral excellence..." oh, i really would. but so often when I'm on the verge of falling it's uncomfortable and I want to feel more steady and grounded and so I work to right my thinking and fix myself.... but that's right where God wants me. leaning really hard. I don't have to be OK and "figured out" at all moments.... really the kind of life I yearn to live is full of faith that comes from not being figured out at all. God, keep me on the verge of falling.

"BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD". that is what I hear in the wind this afternoon.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Tom got a new job.
He's teaching ESL at the University of Delaware and he loves it.
I thought I should share, since I've surely shared of my struggles with trusting and faith.
We've been praying for a job like this for him for years and we are so, so thankful.
We don't want to stop living by faith though, not at all...
please pray that with us.
And today makes 5 years that he and I are a team and it has been a wonderful adventure.
I feel so, so blessed....